Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Health and Wellness

From time to time, we will like to take stock of where we are heading. We have launched our Health and Wellness program.

This chapter serves to highlight issues that are important but somehow not in our priority list. We get lost in the worklife jungle without the benefit of guidance from a wise hand. By including this chapter along with others, we believe the juxtaposition will work its magic.

We work in our own little compartments, failing to realise that our neighbours may have the skills and the willingness to help. That is what comparative advantage is all about. But we opt for shortcuts unthinkingly, and scrimp on costs in order to compete on pricing.

Well, there is a saying... "low price is a great way to sell a commodity. That’s not marketing, though, that’s efficiency". Efficiency is leading us to a cul-de-sac. By sharing, collaborating, extremely counter-intuitive, we open windows to creative ideas, and value added opportunities.
In the midst of a project, we cannot agree, we run astray, we are angry, ....... we are everything, everywhere but here .......... and then we cramp back. All very natural, and creativity is stifled!

This is it! We have the opportunity right before us, and we should seize it. Health and Wellness can play a role in articulating, communicating our psychological, social and physical make-up. We can find solutions to age-old problems, and churn out remarkable value added products. Products that are remarkable get talked about and we head for tipping point.

Let's hope we get it.

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Saturday, May 28, 2005

Helping Professionals Create Value

Deep in our heart, we are passionate, and are encouraged to continue providing deep insights that will help professionals create value. Quality work will always find a place under the sun. And marketing should be breeze. Feel free to contact us if we could be of help

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Friday, May 27, 2005

Strategy Roadmap - Next Hurdle

We have set the stage for the next climb. Remember Tour De France. Do you know which team is the most cohesive and coordinated? US Post. That will make an interesting case study.

Let see how we are going to scale this :-)

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Strategy Roadmap - Buy-In

From where we left off . We said we need to harness the virtues of differing backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives to bring about innovative solutions and avoid the negatives that may add confusion, and cause delay in the go-to-market efforts.

Well, this is an evolving thing. The reasons are that we do not have all the information at any point in time moving forward and the buy-in is always work-in-progress. All we have are weak signals, interposed with other "noises". We then have to decide the path to take. We have pushed ahead in one aspect like the spear ( the armour brigade ) trying to establish the front. As a result, we are stretched.....Ok, so it is time to regroup and take stock of what we have achieved.

We have completed the prototyping in a sandbox, and we are reasonably clear as to what we can do with it. This is good because we removed one element of uncertainty. Now, we have a stronger signal to move on. This is crucial because we learn that in order to make informed decisions we have to pin down the facts, and this mean we need to commit. Especially in a collaboration environment, we cannot afford to slack. ( see
Nash ). However we are still in a state of flux, and exhausted asset needs to be rested and replenished. This is where team work comes in and we need to build a spirit of camaraderie. The rest of the team must be able to sense, and rally around the team mate who has perhaps completed a bruising run. Empathy is the key to stabilise the team. This is the essence of a balanced scorecard and why it is such a powerful tool if used correctly.

Next, we set to get buy-in, and underpin this. At the same time, we have to establish milestones and timeline to go to the market with an attitude, and make am impact.

So let see whether we have ACEdour mission. We have articulated and communicated our views. We need to build up speed and momentum and execute our plan in a timely basis in order to reach the next stage.

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Tuesday, May 24, 2005

An Icon To Covet

If you have not yet xml-proofed your site, this article will be relevant to you. We would like to share our insight on a trend that may have an impact on your business.
If you care to visit the websites of most small-medium enterprises (SMEs) or even larger outfits in Singapore, and compare that with their counterparts in USA, you will notice the general absence of this icon : in the former. So what is so important about this? For one, it may provide some clues as to your state of competitive readiness. We believe that early adopters of this simple technology will have a head start in gaining mindshare. Most of us will remember the first man to conquer Mount Everest, but do you know of the second person? As we move forward, market is becoming more fragmented and this will allow micro-businesses to develop their niches. The winner will be the one that has a compelling value proposition ( quality products or services ) servicing a very limited market with customers spreading all over the globe. It must be able to develop a sustainable go-to-market program given the limited resources available. This is where kicks in. You might think that this is one marketing gimmick, and we stand to risk our good name in paddling a non-starter. But if curiosity gets the better of you, we will be glad to carry on this conversation. In a nutshell, it is leveraging on one of the most powerful forms of marketing, word-of-mouth. Current development in internet soft wares makes it possible for this method to become viral marketing, where a handful of connectors and mavens will help to propagate your product until it reach tipping point. If this is new to you, we are glad. And we would like to elaborate further in subsequent articles. We look forward to your comments, and will endeavour to take them onboard. Effective sites have

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Strategy Roadmap

....While any compelling external factor may be the cause for the lack of traction, problem may be more fundamental. It is critical for the collaborators to reach consensus, heading in the same direction,.....

We are in the process of formulating and selecting our strategies for the Project VBM ( Value Based Management ). The advantage of running the project within a loose framework is that it allows us to explore different strategic options in a dynamic fashion. However, we need to be aware of the downside i.e. the risk of a lack of consensus, and ends up drifting along, unable to focus on any single direction for a sustainable period of time.

While any compelling external factor may be the cause for the lack of traction, problem may be more fundamental. It is critical for the collaborators to reach consensus, heading in the same direction, and to establish a communication framework to allow for adjustments. We have gone quite far in this respect, and in gist, we can rely on our willingness to articulate, communicate and execute ( ACE ) our value proposition.

The lack of consensus on strategy and direction will result in a business been lost in a chaos of conflicting voices, or delays in executing marketing priorities and plans in a timely manner. We can revisit the
Nash principle on how to develop a win-win outcome, and be reminded of the positive outcome that connectors and mavens can bring to the table.

We need to harness the virtues of differing backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives to bring about innovative solutions and avoid the negatives that may add confusion, and cause delay in the go-to-market efforts.

Adapted from Business week:

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Sunday, May 22, 2005

MindStorm Models

Will be starting the Mindstorm Community with the aim of using this as a building block to nuture an outside-inside culture. Learn to identify needs of the marketplace and developing products to meet these needs. As a start, we will identify sites that will help us to reachout to the connectors and mavens.

1. LUGNET aims to unite LEGO fans worldwide through discussion groups, web pages, and services.
2. Tools to Save Your MindStorm Models by Jonathan Knudsen -- How do you model and record Lego MindStorms robots?

We will launch various projects for the second half of 2005

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Friday, May 20, 2005

Insights Trend

We wrote about keeping a lookout for weak signals that are swirling ominously over the horizon, and the need to understand the implications. For it may be the next perfect storm. And for the majority, how little things can make a big difference...well, it has been reported that IBM will launch largest ever corporate blogging initiative. Please see a post by Steve Rubel of Micro Persuasion.
And the question to raise is: Can blogging boost IBM's revenues and whether this will be a driver in creating value? Well, the advice is that we should not stand around passively to find out whether this is the next big thing. From our continuing research into Value Based Management, blog fits in quite nicely as a go-to-market strategy regardless of size of an organisation. What matters is the ability to connect to your target audience ( ever increasingly fragmented )through opinion shapers ( known as connectors and mavens ). It ties in neatly to the desire in gaining mindshare, generating growth, increasing market value added ( aggregating of future economic profits )and increasing shareholder value. It is our view that it will bring significant change here, and early adopters are likely to benefit enormously. It can be applied in most areas involving relationships i.e. investor, customer, team collaboration. Do not miss out on this opportunity. We will keep you posted as we gain further insights into this phenomenon.

Please see related link:

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This Is Hot!

How much hotter can this get?
We are beginning to see really creative way to market by word-of mouth.
The product is AXE by Unilever, and the method: internet-cum-blogsphere
www.theaxeeffect.com and www.evanandgareth.com
This is the way to connect with the young guys, in their own turf! In no time, every teens would not be caught without it.

This is a classic example of how to reach Tipping Point! see also Where is the connection?

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Why We Need To Be Connected?

We started this project because like many of us, we are faced with daunting challenges ahead of us. The economy is fast maturing, so are we ( age wise ), and the world can and will pass by us fairly quickly. Try visualizing ourselves being a small fish in a small drying pond. Not a very enticing prospect. Our instinct will tell us to go to another bigger pond well aware that the chances of survival may be just as dire.

We can increase the odds to our favour, by first looking out for weak signals that are swirling ominously over the horizon, and understand the implications. For it may be the next perfect storm.

Looking on the bright side, we are not alone for there are many small ponds with many of us in similar situations. Although it may sound counter-intuitive, by seeking cooperation with the competition with aligned interests, we are bettering the odds in typical Nash fashion of a bigger payout that can then be distributed amongst the collaborators.

Collaboration is crucial to success because we alone cannot muster all the skills to compete in a knowledge-driven marketplace. This is because the ingredients for success include domain knowledge, technology and networking. We find this notion fairly similar with another concept that has already been well publicized i.e. the three elements ( talent, technology and tolerance ) necessary to make a city buzzing.

We start with the common denominator - technology. It is a great enabler and empowers the small folks to compete against their better endowed brethrens. Technology is making the world a smaller place, breaking down traditional barriers as well as creating new ones. Technology drives down prices of goods and services and facilitate in commoditizing them. To counteract this side effects, we must learn to value add for our customers by understanding their needs, make the necessary change. We can then articulate, communicate and execute our value proposition.
In the next episode, we will cover Strategy Roadmap

Please see related link:

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Where is the connection?

National Treasure, Mavens, Seasame Street, BLOGS
.....Global Shakeouts, and Local Fallouts....

National Treasure, Mavens, Seasame Street, BLOGS
.....Global Shakeouts, and Local Fallouts....

Let us first start by introducing a character by the name of Benjamin Franklin Gates. He has been searching for a treasure, the greatest ever, that was believed to have been hoarded and removed out of the old to the new world. But what has this to do with Value Based management (VBM)?

Before coming to that, we like to introduce another personality , Paul Revere. He is remembered as the man who helped in no small way to deliver the birth of a new nation. Well, as the plot goes, the fathers of this new nation had a secret that they wished to hide the whereabouts of this enormous treasure, and what better way to hide the secret than the back of the Declaration of Independence. Here we have Nicholas Cage and Diane Kruger playing the respective roles of Benjamin and Abigail in the movie entitled the
National Treasure, hunting for the treasure. Like Ben, we needed a road map in order to find the holy grail of VBM, we needed clues, and just like in the National Treasure, the secret was crying out loud at us, right very here. So what was it? Well, here it is

Russell, our trusty feline companion, was quick to smell a rat and niftily pawed over the keyboard for the right font for the symbols to turn into legible letters B L O G S. Is this a word? Is this a real clue or another red herring?

We were told that baristas were very creative that they can unravel puzzles while shooting their machiatos, provided we buy a cup of our favourite from them. Open seasame and we had another lead. I was told there was this author who hung out at these caffeine-filled outlets, who had figured a way to draw out all these ants. Well, simply placing sugar along the trail. What a splendid start to a hunt!

I set off for the airport, with Smoke On The Water rocking in the background. In attempting to piece the clues together, I settled down for a cup of cappuccino, and soaked in the ambience at the airport. The place was quiet and tranquil, without the typical buzz one would expect in a marketplace alluded to by Michael Dertouzo. What was I expecting?

Anyway, it was a perfect hideout for solitude and quiet contemplation. Being a compulsive city dweller, I soon succumbed to the need to stay connected, and I whipped out my laptop, and quickly scanned for a network. I was connected without much fuss, and with free access too. That was neat, because I had the best of two worlds: alternating between the tranquility offered by a cloistered lagoon and plunging into the deep blue sea where creatures of all sorts lurked and everything was fair game. Literally, all the world's a stage, where one can articulate, communicate and execute whatever fantasies one dares to venture into, for the world to see. The wonder of technology.

With not much to work on, I keyed in
connectors and mavens and google threw up a myriad of sites. And I noticed there was quite a buzz on this topic. It was surreal for it seemed that everyone had gone virtual, teleported into another dimension. It was about a book entitled Tipping Point written by Malcolm Gladwell, who happened to be a marketing strategist for Starbucks. Was it too coincidental, I casted a suspicious glance at my cappuccino as Starbucks seemed to jump out of my screen. It was said that it placed outlets in nooks and corners of office blocks and of streets, just like lining sugar along an ant trail. The turnover of the outlets was said to be high, but it achieved the goal of (re)locating outlets and optimized customer pass through. Such strategy contributed to the phenomenal growth of Starbucks. Things were starting to fall in place.

In it, it described how under the Law of the Few, a few influential people ( connector who knows lots of people, and people of him, a maven is an expert who loves to teach, an information gatherer, obsessive over every single detail and will sniff things out ) can shape opinions on a subject matter and by word-of-mouth tip it to a point of such epidemic popularity.
Paul Revere was one such connectors. For things to happen, talent is required to create ideas and technology is for building the info-highway to reach out to the mavens, who will turn to the connectors, who will then propagate it to the rest of the world. Next, is the level of stickness. The more compelling the idea is, and willingness of the consumer to hire its service, the more memorable will be the experience, and the more they will come back for repeats. Finally, the Power of Context. When the community is encouraged to appreciate creativity and tolerance, you will have a vibrant ecosystem that is inclusive rather than exclusive. Talents are likely to be more abundant in such places.

I pondered over this and it struck me that we needed more software and not so much of hardware. A park with a band with an attitude playing Smoke On The Water will rock. You don't need a state-of-the-art stadium for this. At the core, customers treat goods and services as a hire to fix a need, and as we become more and more plugged into a digitized world, disintermediation will take hold, lessen the role of the middlemen. It dawned on me that unless the value proposition is compelling, it will be near impossible to make an
economic profit, and there will be no incentive for the stakeholders to hang around. They will move on to greener pasture. Global shakeouts and local fallouts. These are the signs of time where competition is intense and the pressure to succeed is tremendous. Some succumb to the temptation to take shortcuts. Well, time is a good arbiter of character and the deserving shall prevail. So, more economic profit equals more buzz.

As we will be constantly be working on emerging markets, by definition we are also working on a smaller market segment. Although small, we must bear in mind these customers are also likely to be the mavens and connectors. You should go out of your way, to impress, to win them over. It is a small price to pay, because when the market takes shape thanks in no small way to these opinion shapers, the growth will be tremendous, and with first mover advantage have a head start in gaining mindshare.

Now I got it, the road to nirvana in
VBM, is to connect with your customers ( and suppliers ) in a sincere sort of way. Anything less, and you can expect backlash. Eureka! BLOG, that innocuous web log where one expresses one's thought, serves as the platform for me to articulate, communicate and execute my value proposition - and links to the mavens and connectors, all at one go . Can it tip? It is only a question of time. Now I can't wait to proof it! That's the buzz!

Please see related link:

Filmography links and data courtesy of
The Internet Movie

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Saturday, May 14, 2005


Let see how to link to

changing settings

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