Business Mandarin VI
And more :-)
信息 宠物 菜谱 干预 微观 充分 严苛 死记硬背
information pets recipes intervention micro-view fill harsh rote memorisation
xìn xī chǒng wù cài pǔ gān yù wéi guān chōng fèn yán kē sǐ jì yìng bèi
废除 无偿 畜牧 莸得 曾经 摸索 实践 零距离
repealed free animal husbandry once explore grope practice zero distance
fèi chú wú cháng xù mù yóu de céng jīng mō suǒ shí jiàn líng jù lí
督察 莘庄 磁悬浮铁路 运营 偾怒 铺天盖地 闵门区
inspector protest magnetic levitation railway operations instigate anger overwhelming Min Mun district
dū chá kàng yì xīn zhuāng cí xuán fú tiě lù yùn yíng fèn nù pū tiān gài dì mǐn mén qū
聚集 违反 凑巧 三思而后行 划分 摸着 统筹 薄弱
gather in violation it so happened think twice divide touch coordinate weak
jù jí wéi fǎn còu qiǎo sān sī ér hòu xíng huà fēn mō zhe tǒng chóu bó ruò
现状 冲突 陷人混乱 黑势力 暴力 争权夺利 煽动 闹事
status conflict chaos dark forces violence power struggles incite trouble
xiàn zhuàng chōng tú xiàn rén hǔn luàn hēi shì lì bào lì zhēng quán duó lì shān dòng nào shì
声疾呼 遭遇 阶段 双轨制 翻番 贩子 滥用
voice acclaim experience stage traffickers abuse anger
shēng jí hū zāo yù jiē duàn shuāng guǐ zhì fān fān fàn zi làn yòng fèn kǎi
家属 蔓延 灾难 燃料 建筑 丧失 岌岌可危 絶望
familires spread disaster fuel construction lose precarious despair
jiā shǔ màn yán zāi nàn rán liào jiàn zhú sàng shī jí jí kě wéi jué wàng
矛头 辞职 示威 倍感尴尬 呼唤 渴望 闭关销国 凭借直觉
spearhead resignation demonstration, protest feel embarrassed eager desire sell the country intuition
máo tóu cí zhí shì wēi bèi gǎn gān gà hū huàn kě wàng bì guān xiāo guó píng jiè zhí jué
维持 翻天覆地 巩固 谨债 鸣锣 晕倒 性质 束缚
continue earth shaking consolidate cautious gong fainted nature bound
wéi chí fān tiān fù dì gǒng gù jǐn zhài míng luó yūn dǎo xìng zhì shù fù
硬道 解释 双指责 消灭 奴隶制 种族隔离 人非圣贤 耿耿于怀
hard road explain blame eliminate, extinguish slavery apartheid people not saints to heart
yìng dào jiě shì shuāng zhǐ zé xiāo miè nú lì zhì zhǒng zú gé lí rén fēi shèng xián gěng gěng yú huái
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