Health and Wellness
From time to time, we will like to take stock of where we are heading. We have launched our Health and Wellness program.
This chapter serves to highlight issues that are important but somehow not in our priority list. We get lost in the worklife jungle without the benefit of guidance from a wise hand. By including this chapter along with others, we believe the juxtaposition will work its magic.
We work in our own little compartments, failing to realise that our neighbours may have the skills and the willingness to help. That is what comparative advantage is all about. But we opt for shortcuts unthinkingly, and scrimp on costs in order to compete on pricing.
Well, there is a saying... "low price is a great way to sell a commodity. That’s not marketing, though, that’s efficiency". Efficiency is leading us to a cul-de-sac. By sharing, collaborating, extremely counter-intuitive, we open windows to creative ideas, and value added opportunities.
In the midst of a project, we cannot agree, we run astray, we are angry, ....... we are everything, everywhere but here .......... and then we cramp back. All very natural, and creativity is stifled!
This is it! We have the opportunity right before us, and we should seize it. Health and Wellness can play a role in articulating, communicating our psychological, social and physical make-up. We can find solutions to age-old problems, and churn out remarkable value added products. Products that are remarkable get talked about and we head for tipping point.
Let's hope we get it.
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