Friday, March 25, 2011

Business Mandarin VII

Some fine-tuning....
审视 彼此 失误 瞩目 毋庸置疑 作秀 符含 幕后
examine each other | each other | mistakes | attention | needless to say | put on a show | | shadow, behind the scene |
shěn shì | bǐ cǐ | shī wù | zhǔ mù | wú yōng zhì yí | zuò xiù | fú hán | mù hòu |
犹豫 疑虑 回归 给予 殖民统治 迄今 承诺 布什
indecision | doubt | return | give | colonial politics | to-date, so far | commitment | |
yóu yù | yí lǜ | huí guī | jǐ yǔ | zhí mín tǒng zhì | qì jīn | chéng nuò | bù shí |
- 魅力 探讨 相似 坚信恰当 - 彻底 仍然
quality | charm | explore | similar | firmly believe convinced, appropriate | procedures | completely | still |
sù zhì | mèi lì | tàn tǎo | xiāng sì | jiān xìn qià dàng | chéng xù | chè dǐ | réng rán |
寒带针叶 热带雨林 - - 蒂固 维持 均势 栽种
| tropical rainforest | tendency | follow | solid | maintain | balance of power | planting |
hán dài zhēn yè | rè dài yǔ lín | qīng xiàng | zūn xún | dì gù | wéi chí | jūn shì | zāi zhòng |
坚持 庸 谴责 阶级 担忧 营养 难怪 疾呼
persist | | condemn | class | concern | nutrition | no wonder | exclaim |
jiān chí | yōng | qiǎn zé | jiē jí | dān yōu | yíng yǎng | nán guài | jí hū |
提倡 走资派 委屈 毫无顾忌 诺言 赶 有序 巩固
advocate | capitalist roadster | grievances | no scruples | promises | | orderly | consolidate |
tí chàng | zǒu zī pài | wěi qu | háo wú gù jì | nuò yán | gǎn | yǒu xù | gǒng gù |
凝聚 崛起 竞相抛出 途径 宏伟 制订 源于基层 -
cohesion | rise | | approach | magnificent | formulate | from the grassroot | pilot |
níng jù | jué qǐ | jìng xiāng pāo chū | tú jìng | hóng wěi | zhì dìng | yuán yú jī céng | shì diǎn |
偏远 耕种 - 领域 停滞 械化 祖权 承包 商
remote | farming | constitution | field, domain | stagnate | | ancestral rights | contract (or) |
piān yuǎn | gēng zhòng | xiàn fǎ | lǐng yù | tíng zhì | xiè huà | zǔ quán | chéng bāo |
喻户晓 赤壁 掩护 掌管 合资 接触 虚弱 硬件落后
| red cliff | cover | control | joint ventures | contact | weak | hardware backward |
yù hù xiǎo | chì bì | yǎn hù | zhǎng guǎn | hé zī | jiē chù | xū ruò | yìng jiàn luò hòu |
蒸汽压路机 谨慎 辖市 戴相 环渤 独占鳌头 - 活跃
steam roller | cautious | municipality | | | champion | tilt | active |
zhēng qì yā lù jī | jǐn shèn | xiá shì | dài xiāng | huán bó | dú zhàn áo tóu | qīng xié | huó yuè |

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Business Mandarin VI

And more :-)
信息 宠物 菜谱 干预 微观 充分 严苛 死记硬背
information pets recipes intervention micro-view fill harsh rote memorisation
xìn xī chǒng wù cài pǔ gān yù wéi guān chōng fèn yán kē sǐ jì yìng bèi
废除 无偿 畜牧 莸得 曾经 摸索 实践 零距离
repealed free animal husbandry once explore grope practice zero distance
fèi chú wú cháng xù mù yóu de céng jīng mō suǒ shí jiàn líng jù lí
督察 莘庄 磁悬浮铁路 运营 偾怒 铺天盖地 闵门区
inspector protest magnetic levitation railway operations instigate anger overwhelming Min Mun district
dū chá kàng yì xīn zhuāng cí xuán fú tiě lù yùn yíng fèn nù pū tiān gài dì mǐn mén qū
聚集 违反 凑巧 三思而后行 划分 摸着 统筹 薄弱
gather in violation it so happened think twice divide touch coordinate weak
jù jí wéi fǎn còu qiǎo sān sī ér hòu xíng huà fēn mō zhe tǒng chóu bó ruò
现状 冲突 陷人混乱 黑势力 暴力 争权夺利 煽动 闹事
status conflict chaos dark forces violence power struggles incite trouble
xiàn zhuàng chōng tú xiàn rén hǔn luàn hēi shì lì bào lì zhēng quán duó lì shān dòng nào shì
声疾呼 遭遇 阶段 双轨制 翻番 贩子 滥用
voice acclaim experience stage traffickers abuse anger
shēng jí hū zāo yù jiē duàn shuāng guǐ zhì fān fān fàn zi làn yòng fèn kǎi
家属 蔓延 灾难 燃料 建筑 丧失 岌岌可危 絶望
familires spread disaster fuel construction lose precarious despair
jiā shǔ màn yán zāi nàn rán liào jiàn zhú sàng shī jí jí kě wéi jué wàng
矛头 辞职 示威 倍感尴尬 呼唤 渴望 闭关销国 凭借直觉
spearhead resignation demonstration, protest feel embarrassed eager desire sell the country intuition
máo tóu cí zhí shì wēi bèi gǎn gān gà hū huàn kě wàng bì guān xiāo guó píng jiè zhí jué
维持 翻天覆地 巩固 谨债 鸣锣 晕倒 性质 束缚
continue earth shaking consolidate cautious gong fainted nature bound
wéi chí fān tiān fù dì gǒng gù jǐn zhài míng luó yūn dǎo xìng zhì shù fù
硬道 解释 双指责 消灭 奴隶制 种族隔离 人非圣贤 耿耿于怀
hard road explain blame eliminate, extinguish slavery apartheid people not saints to heart
yìng dào jiě shì shuāng zhǐ zé xiāo miè nú lì zhì zhǒng zú gé lí rén fēi shèng xián gěng gěng yú huái

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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Business Mandarin V

More words to absorb ...
紧张 届时 监控 快捷 汤面 款 草原 骄傲
 Tension  Then  Monitor  Fast  Noodles in soup  Paragraph, money, slowly  Grassland  Proud
jǐn zhāng jiè shí jiān kòng kuài jié tāng miàn kuǎn cǎo yuán jiāo ào
支撑 农牧 聚结 加盟商 链条 优势 贡献 萎缩
Steady, support, sustain Farming  Coalescence  Franchisee  Chain  Superiority  Contribution  Atrophy, shrivel
zhī chēng nóng mù jù jié jiā méng shāng liàn tiáo yōu shì gòng xiàn wěi suō
导致 汽协 轮胎 弥补 陷入 生机 补偿 逆势
 Cause  Automobile Association  Tire  Make up Fall into, get caught  Life, vitality  Compensate  Contrarian
dǎo zhì qì xié lún tāi mí bǔ xiàn rù shēng jī bǔ cháng nì shì
旺盛 态势 抓 混合动力汽车 纯电动汽车 燃料电池汽车 零排放 氢燃料
 Exuberant  Situation Grasp, catch Hybrid cars Pure electric vehicles Fuel cell cars Zero Emissions Hydrogen fuel
wàng shèng tài shì zhuā hùn hé dòng lì qì chē chún diàn dòng qì chē rán liàodiàn chí qì chē líng pái fàng qīng rán liào
代替 优化 潜力 改进优化 先进 微型小车 遵守 法规
Exchange, substitute, instead Optimization Potential, capacity Improved Optimization Advanced Micro car Respect regulations
dài tì yōu huà qián lì gǎi jìn yōu huà xiān jìn wéi xíng xiǎo chē zūn shǒu fǎ guī
锻炼 电池系统 攻关 完善 优化 铅酸电池 锂电池 工薪阶层
workout, exercise battery system research perfect optimisation lead-acid batteries litjium batteries working class
duàn liàn diàn chí xì tǒng gōng guān wán shàn yōu huà qiān suān diàn chí lǐ diàn chí gōng xīn jiē céng
电池管理系统 锂离子电池 恰逢 势头 获益 最佳 冲刺 反弹
battery management system lithium-ion battery coincide momentum benefit optimum, peak, optimal dash rebound
diàn chí guǎn lǐ xì tǒng lǐ lí zǐ diàn chí qià féng shì tóu huò yì zuì jiā chōng cì fǎn tán
外汇储备 政权 萎缩 灾害 支撑 宽松 翻了一番 依托
FX reserves regime, political power atrophy, shrivel disaster, calamity bracing, steady, support, sustain relax doubled backing, relying
wài huì chú bèi zhèng quán wěi suō zāi hài zhī chēng kuān sōng fān le yī fān yī tuō
释放 坼借 廉政 贪念 审批 程序 简化
emancipation, release, liberate crack through anti-corruption greed approval procedures temptation simplify
shì fàng chè jiè lián zhèng tān niàn shěn pī chéng xù yòu huò jiǎn huà
辞职 仁慈  借鉴 照搬 铝合金 蓬勃 缩影 互联网引导纵向
resignation kindness reference copy aluminium alloy vibrant microcosm
"cí zhí

" rén cí jiè jiàn zhào bān lǚ hé jīn péng bó suō yǐng hù lián wǎng yǐn dǎo zòng xiàng

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Monday, March 21, 2011

Business Mandarin IV

It takes 10,000 hours to master a certain skillset. So if you take tuition / lesson from a teacher say, 4 hours weekly you will clock in about 200 hours a year. And if you put in 4 hours daily you will clock in another 1,500 hours perhaps. It will take you al least six years to master the language. What is the takeaway? At least you should be able to accumulate 8,000 words in your vocabulary within the first 1 to 2 years and this will let you read Chinese articles off the internet with some degree of proficiency. Below are some of the words so accumulated.

客观描述 形象 频道 委托 价格低廉联系 智慧 软实力 客观因素
objective description image channel entrust low price and relationship wisdom soft power objective factors
kè guān miáo shù xíng xiàng pín dào wěi tuō jià gé dī lián lián xì zhì huì ruǎn shí lì kè guān yīn sù
观念 操作 贡献率 愧 恶果 破产 旧有 严峻
concept operation contribution rate bad consequences bankrupt Old Severe
guān niàn cāo zuò gòng xiàn lǜ kuì è guǒ pò chǎn jiù yǒu yán jùn
强筋壮骨 疗效 腾笼换鸟 毗邻 优势 庞大 消耗 链
Strengthening sinews and bones Effect The cage for birds Close Superiority Huge Consume Chain
qiáng jīn zhuàng gǔ liáo xiào téng lóng huàn niǎo pí lín yōu shì páng dà xiāo hào liàn
污染 思路 广泛 空穴来风 甚微 唇齿 摒弃 因素
Pollution Thinking Extensive Groundless Little Lips and teeth Abandon Factor
wū rǎn sī lù guǎng fàn kōng xué lái fēng shén wēi chún chǐ bìng qì yīn sù
效应 断腕 刮骨 沉浸 繁荣 延续 煤炭 不折不扣
Effect Broken wrist Guagu Immerse Prosperity Continue Coal Letter
xiào yìng duàn wàn guā gǔ chén jìn fán róng yán xù méi tàn bù zhé bù kòu
尤为 记忆 螺丝 区域 吞噬 摄影 废水 废渣
Particularly Memory Screw Region Swallow Photography Wastewater Residue
yóu wéi jì yì luó sī qū yù tūn shì shè yǐng fèi shuǐ fèi zhā
废气 汹汹 水污染 酸雨覆盖 耕地 匹配 含量 振兴
Exhaust Truculent Water Pollution Acid rain Arable land, plow, till Match Content Revitalization
fèi qì xiōng xiōng shuǐ wū rǎn suān yǔ fù gài gēng dì pǐ pèi hán liàng zhèn xīng
围绕 机遇 瓶装 酝酿 获悉 清爽 涨幅
Around Accumulation Opportunity Bottled Preparation, brew, incubate Learned Refreshing Increase
wéi rào jī lěi jī yù píng zhuāng yùn niàng huò xī qīng shuǎng zhǎng fú
渠道 终端 其属 易拉罐等 辅料 运输 奈 吨涨
Channel Terminal It is Cans, etc. Accessories Transport
qú dào zhōng duān qí shǔ yì lā guàn děng fǔ liào yùn shū nài dūn zhǎng
迫于 仅隔 易拉罐 终端销售 批发 淡季 唯一 入驻
Forced Only separated Cans Terminal sales Wholesale Off-season Sole, unique, only Settled
pò yú jǐn gé yì lā guàn zhōng duān xiāo shòu pī fā dàn jì wéi yī rù zhù

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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Business Mandarin III

When do you embark on learning? - NOW! China is too valuable to be ignored.

依赖 密集 过剩 极低 销售 环节 耗能 附加值低
dependent intensive excess low sales linkage energy consumption low valued added
yī lài mì jí guò shèng jí dī xiāo shòu huán jié hào néng fù jiā zhí dī
淘汰 转移 振兴 落后 兼并 围绕 平衡 协调
eliminate transform revitalisation backward merger surrounded balance coordination
táo tài zhuǎn yí zhèn xīng luò hòu jiān bìng wéi rào píng héng xié tiáo
持续 积累 迎战 数据 耗 吝啬 供应 探讨
sustaining accumulation fight against data consumption stingy supply investigate, probe
chí xù jī lěi yíng zhàn shù jù hào lìn sè gōng yìng tàn tǎo
化危 恢复 挨家挨户 询问 失业 劳务输出 拍摄 乘上
turn danger… recovery door to door asking unemploy export of labour shoot / film board
huà wēi huī fù āi jiā āi hù xún wèn shī yè láo wù shū chū pāi shè chéng shàng
迅速 锐减 起行囊 罕见 严峻 剩余 安置
rapid sharp decline …luggae rare turbulence; upheaval; unrest severe surplus placement
xùn sù ruì jiǎn qǐ xíng náng hǎn jiàn dòng dàng yán jùn shèng yú ān zhì
了摆 棘手 采取 尤其 关系 迅速启动 福祉
place in front hard to accept, troubling ( troublesome ) initiates particularly relationship rapid action welfare ease
le bǎi jí shǒu cǎi qǔ yóu qí guān xì xùn sù qǐ dòng fú zhǐ huǎn jiě
职业培训 医疗 谋生 跨 售楼 大润发、沃尔玛 询问 细节
vocational training medical treatment livelihood cross, multi property sales asking details
zhí yè péi xùn yī liáo móu shēng kuà shòu lóu dà rùn fā, , wò ēr mǎ xún wèn xì jié
难掩兴奋 喜悦 狭小 拥挤 卧室 舒适 货币 规定
hide to conceal one's excitement joy narrow packed bedroom comfortable money cash stipulate
nán yǎn xīng fèn xǐ yuè xiá xiǎo yǒng jǐ wò shì shū shì huò bì guī dìng
标准 一辈子的积蓄 改善 缩影 批复 高烧 降温
dominate, allocate, adminstrate standard a lifetime of saving improve minature, epitomise approve, reply high fever cool down
zhī pèi biāo zhǔn yī bèi zi de jī xù gǎi shàn suō yǐng pī fù gāo shāo jiàng wēn
紧密 标志 广泛赞誉 总裁卡恩 立足 传播 舆论 意味
close sign, mark, symbol; indicate, symbolise broad based admiration CEO Mr Kahn based broadcast public opinion means
jǐn mì biāo zhì guǎng fàn zàn yù zǒng cái kǎ ēn lì zú chuán bò yú lùn yì wèi

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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Business Mandarin II

The most time effective way to learn ...

结构 都赢 甚至 被称 绿色突围 依然 如履薄冰 提速
 Structure  Both win  Even  Is called  Green Breakthrough  Still  Walking on thin ice  Speed
  Jiégòu   Dōu yíng   Shènzhì   Bèi chēng   Lǜsè túwéi   Yīrán   Rúlǚbóbīng   Tísù
破冰之旅 指标 预测统计 舒了 支配 均纯 绝后 绝对
 Ice-breaking journey  Index  Prediction Statistics  Shu was  Dominate  Are pure  Non-repeatable  Absolutely
  Pò bīng zhī lǚ   Zhǐbiāo   Yùcè tǒngjì   Shū le   Zhīpèi   Jūn chún   Juéhòu   Juéduì
空前 扩大 截至 实施 获得了 预算 配套 校舍
 Unprecedented  Expand Up  Implement  Obtained  Budget  Supporting  School building
  Kōngqián   Kuòdà Jiézhì   Shíshī   Huòdé le   Yùsuàn   Pèitào   Xiàoshè
设施 建设 污水 谋划 争取 实施 招商引资 一季度
 Facility  Build  Sewage  Plan  Fight  Implement  Investment  Quarter
  Shèshī   Jiànshè   Wūshuǐ   Móuhuà   Zhēngqǔ   Shíshī   Zhāoshāng yǐnzī   Yī jìdù
答卷 迹象显而易见 贷款 采购 苗头 幅画条曲线 呈现地 清晰
 Respondents  Obvious signs of  Credit  Purchase  Signs  Painting of the curve  Presented to  Clear
  Dájuàn   Jīxiàng xiǎnéryìjiàn   Dàikuǎn   Cǎigòu   Miáotou   Fú huà tiáo qūxiàn   Chéngxiàn dì   Qīngxī
悬念 硕果 措施 提振 临近 优惠 享受 补贴
 Suspense  Fruit  Measure  Boost  Close  Preferential  Enjoy  Subsidy
  Xuánniàn   Shuòguǒ   Cuòshī   Tí zhèn   Línjìn   Yōuhuì   Xiǎngshòu   Bǔtiē
添置 比例则 差距 税率 系统性 较长 启动 容缓
proportion gap tax rate systematic longer start take action take it easy
tiān zhì bǐ lì zé chā jù shuì lǜ xì tǒng xìng jiào zhǎng qǐ dòng róng huǎn
巨额 鼎力启动 覆盖 集中 引导 零售 实际 分析
huge strong start / best effort coverage concentrate lead retail sales actually analyse
jù é dǐng lì qǐ dòng fù gài jí zhōng yǐn dǎo líng shòu shí jì fēn xī
偶然 举措 狂欢 首饰 三来一补 赚的 内销 成功转型
incidental initiates carnival jewelry earned domestic consumption successfully transformed
ǒu rán jǔ cuò kuáng huān shǒu shì sān lái yī bǔ zhuàn de nèi xiāo chéng gōng zhuǎn xíng
倒闭 险些 订单 实际 糟糕 暴露 失衡 滞后
close shop almost orders actually bad consequences exposure imbalance lagging
dǎo bì xiǎn xiē dìng dān shí jì zāo gāo bào lù shī héng zhì hòu

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Thursday, March 10, 2011

Business Mandarin I

The most time effective way to learn business Mandarin..
引擎带动 优异 从容 系列 让身处 数据 出炉 怀疑
Engine driven Excellent Leisurely Series To live Data Baked Doubt
Yǐnqíng dàidòng Yōuyì Cóngróng Xìliè Ràng shēn chǔ Shùjù Chūlú Huáiyí
复苏 关注 媒体 不约而同 聚焦 刊登 拯救 打气筒给瘪
Recovery Attention Media Invariably Focus Published Save Pump to the deflated
Fùsū Guānzhù Méitǐ Bùyuēértóng Jùjiāo Kāndēng Zhěngjiù Dǎ qìtǒng gěi biě
反映 揭晓 抛出 崩溃论 评价 认为 仍旧 归功
Reflect Announced Throw Collapse of Evaluate Think Still Attributed
Fǎnyìng Jiēxiǎo Pāo chū Bēngkuì lùn Píngjià Rènwéi Réngjiù Guīgōng
离乡 仅仅 组织 确认并扩散 归功于 揽子 刺激 亿拉动内需的
Leaving Only Organization Identify and spread Credit Embrace e Stimulate Million boost domestic demand
Lí xiāng Jǐnjǐn Zǔzhī Quèrèn bìng kuòsàn Guīgōng yú Lǎn zi Cìjī Yì lādòng nèixū de
回暖期 质疑 赞叹 反差 归根 优异 爆发 企稳
Warming period Question Praise Contrast Roots Excellent Break out Stabilized
Huínuǎn qī Zhíyí Zàntàn Fǎnchā Guīgēn Yōuyì Bàofā Qǐwěn
跨出 巨大 回顾 赞扬 利润 哀鸿 减幅 负值
Taken the Huge Review Praise Profit Reduction Negative
Kuà chū Jùdà Huígù Zànyáng Lìrùn Āi hóng Jiǎn fú Fù zhí
疲软 预测 支柱 坚挺 认为 天真 衰退 崩溃论
Weak Forecast Pillar Strong Think Naive Decline Collapse of
Píruǎn Yùcè Zhīzhù Jiāntǐng Rènwéi Tiānzhēn Shuāituì Bēngkuì lùn
核心 奇迹 身陷囹圄 逐渐深化 洼地 政策 执行 效果
Core Miracle Behind bars Gradually deepening Depression Policy Execution Effect
Héxīn Qíjī Shēn xiàn língyǔ Zhújiàn shēnhuà Wādì Zhèngcè Zhíxíng Xiàoguǒ
惊叹不已 暖意 结构性 寻找 挑战 刺激 调整
Marvel Troubled Warmth Structural Search Challenge Stimulate Adjustment
Jīngtàn bùyǐ Kùnrǎo Nuǎn yì Jiégòu xìng Xúnzhǎo Tiǎozhàn Cìjī Tiáozhěng

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Friday, August 06, 2010

Mega Trends, Paradigm Shift

How To Master A Foreign Language In Double Quick Time ...
From a global financial crisis of such proportion that the unprecedented quantitative easing merely buys us time before the next big One, to the inevitable but radical shift to a domestic consumption model by China, an economic powerhouse in its own rights ...

...these events spell one thing clearly:


And yet, present times also afford an excellent occasion for corporate to spot opportunities to create value and get ahead of the competition. And it's the business acumen and technical skills of key employees that will spearhead such efforts to satisfy the demands of stakeholders, create shareholder value, keep customers satisfied and employees motivated.

What better time than now to invest toward harnessing and sharpening those skills.

Why eZendir ?

eZendir is likened to peering through a kaleidoscope where combinations of variants never cease to amaze viewers ... you can seek out different patterns e.g. eZ, it stands for "easy", or merely Z for Zhong, as in Zhongguo ( China ). In fact eZendir implies that we are at the centre of the virtual universe e + Zenith + Nadir. Then there is Zen - a very Asian value system. For it reminds us that life is a journey, and happiness as our companion allowing us to encounter Quality experiences. What better option can we make? Can we co-operate to attain a win-win outcome, where happiness can be shared? With such a belief map, the team at eZendir has collaborated to arrive at a solution for the busy business executives.

For an enterprising professional to be successful, he must find the optimal balance amongst the three critical factors i.e. domain knowledge, information technology and relationship. eZendir is positioned to meet the aspirations of these individuals. We help professionals to create value by identifying the pathway to seeking opportunities. In addition, we also methodically build the pathway to make this possible. The value proposition of eZendir is to help busy professionals learn business Mandarin in the most time effective way. So, when do you embark on this program? Now! China is too costly to be ignored..

How? 4 hours weekly via one-to-one online interaction with any of our highly qualified coaches.

Our clear and concise methodlogy allows us to map the proficiency level of students prior to signing of the program. To be effective, students must gain the necessary skills to listen, speak, read and write. For the latter, it would mean students must also understand the grammatical structure of the Chinese language. Through a total of 6 modules, each comprising 36 hours online interaction, students can expect to increase the vocabulary base to between 3,000 and 5,000 words. In addition, we have also developed toolkit to make the learning experience one that is of quality. Our aim is , as far as possible, to provide instant gratification when the curiosity to learn the language is aroused. Through the toolkit which includes electronic word accumulator that tracks learning progress, online text-to-speech to provide an anywhere-anytime learning environment and much more; the progam seeks to provide students with the key to the code - Chinese language!

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Friday, July 30, 2010

Learning Mandarin Make Easy

Learning the thinking way...

1 2 3 4 5
的, 一, 是, 了, 我,

Of A Be The I

De Yī Shì Le Wǒ

6 7 8 9 10
不, 人, 在, 他, 有,

Not People In He Have

Bù Rén Zài Tā Yǒu

11 12 13 14 15
这, 个, 上, 们, 来,

This A On Were Come

Zhè Gè Shàng Men Lái

16 17 18 19 20
到, 时, 大, 地, 为,

To Time Large Land To

Dào Shí Dà De Wèi

21 22 23 24 25
子, 中, 你, 说, 生,

Son In You Say Health

Zi Zhōng Nǐ Shuō Shēng

26 27 28 29 30
国, 年, 着, 就, 那,

Country Years The On That

Guó Nián Zhe Jiù Nà



More Advanced:


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Friday, July 09, 2010

Crystal Ball Glazing - eZendir

In transforming China, policymakers are shifting away from a labor-intensive, export-oriented economic model to higher value added revenue-generating models. Consequently, wages are expected to rise ... Foreign investments are encouraged to move to sectors involving transfer of high technology ( automobile, information technology, healthcare ). With a well-educated workforce, it is par to this task and the middle class will grow, with it also domestic consumption. The push factors are higher labor costs and a huge market.
To ensure a sustainable, balanced growth - and real growth, it will need to ensure that productivity gain outpaces inflation rate. Thus it must invest in education in order to nurture better managers. It will need to groom a pool of local managers that can leverage on domain knowledge, information technology and relationship skills to forge a formidable competitive strategy. It will need managers who understand the market-oriented economy where supply and demand are dictated by market forces. To gain such skills in strategy roadmappng ( competitive advantages ), understanding value creation, risk management and creating innovative products and services, it will need its managers to be bilingual in order to articulate, communicate and execute ( ACE ) in an increasing globalised eco-system.

While shifting factories further inland can mitigate escalating wage cost concerns and exchange rate issue in the short-term, real solutions must be found to achieve sustainable growth.

Since 2007, labor cost in percentage term has been climbing in the teens and this can be seen as a determined policy to transform the economy. Taking a leaf off the Singapore experience where it embarked on this course in the 80s, the transformation is real and tangible. Can this occur for China?

By focusing on education - train, train and train. Chinese managers in order to be effective need to be bilingual so that they can absorb new ideas quickly and hasten the transformation process. Foreign managers, likewise, need to learn Chinese to order to stay engage while the great shift gain momentum.

It may well be that China can reach full employment sooner than later, and in that scenario, the tipping point will be reached. A new paradigm kicks in where the only effective managers are those that are bilingual in English and Chinese - lingua francas for commerce.

Replicating the success of Singapore and India combined, China can and will leapfrog to a higher dimension - with a dynamic private sector competing domestically and internationally. The outcome is a win-win for all like-minded stakeholders.

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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Virtual Zenith, Nadir - Domain Knowledge, Information Technology and Relationship

eZendir for short ... We have embarked on a mission where the brand messages are clear.

Main - the most time effective and proven method to master practical business Mandarin;
When - now, it is too costly to ignore China; and
How - 4 hours per week via one-to-one online interaction.

It is the belief of the collaborators that the team has the wherewithal to deliver quality value proposition, with focus on innovation, meeting the unmet needs of the market.

Although the strategy is a sound one, we need to execute the plan flawlessly. As a team, we are aligned through our belief in our core ideology and seek out win-win outcome leveraging on our core values i.e. trust, empathy, diligence and competence.

We also recognise that mastering domain knowledge and information technology is a finite process, we also challenge ourselves to embrace the third pillar of success - relationship. In this connection, we seek out mentors that can guide us through their wisdom and deep insights of the marketplace that we are operating in.

We will have to be disciplined to drive the processes to ensure that we deliver Quality.

Some of the key challenges will include:
a) designing the program curriculum that will satisfy the unmet of the marketplace;
b) nurturing mavens, connectors and salesmen through word-of-mouth marketing ( viral ) to reach tipping point. We shall be guided by the marketing adage: six degree of separation in order to penetrate the market as quickly as possible.

As in all execution issues, co-ordination is key to success and we will install the relevant project management tools to map the timeline and track key milestones.

A good start will reinforce the trust factor so crucial for successful collaboration - Bon Voyage ~ eZendir!

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Sunday, May 30, 2010


追逐彩虹,希望在它的终端可以寻找到聚宝盆, 如此浪漫,又是何等的诱人 ... 青春时代,我们满怀着希望和憧憬。我们所追求的是什么, 财富还是幸福? 当我们实现物质财富时我们幸福吗?也许....也许不。因此,如果我们追求幸福,假使它可实现的话,我们还需要物质财富吗?退一步想,幸福是什么?哪里是幸福之所在

我们必须记住,生命是一个旅程,幸福伴我们左右。有比这个选择更好的吗! 我们可以把幸福看作是经历真相时的一种交易。在交易当中,我们感知刺激,并且随之应对来定义有质量的经历(幸福), 或其他感觉。我们为什么往往感到人生仍然不完整?可能是因为我们缺乏质量的经历。也许是缺乏同理心,阻止了此类经历。

发起者担心开展讨论会对他们的利益产生负面影响 ,其结果是我们错过了合作机会。我们可以把它归类成一个协调的问题。当遭遇一个抛锚的协调时,良性的发展将无法继续,存在的问题继续溃烂, 产生风险可能导致无序的结果。通常情况, 是一种刺激作用 吸引了零和增益赢家的所得是建立在输家的付出上。是否可以有一个双赢的结果,其中的幸福可以共享?

又回到协调的问题...是什么决定我们选择行动的方针?往往我们使用价格来寻求供需平衡。我们认为可能依赖短期的观点来达到最好的结果 ... 即团体中的每个个体成员实现其自身利益最大化。然而,约翰纳什补充了一个条款“个体利益和团队利益最大化”。据他说,“如果我们都将目标锁定在最美的女孩(由于定义稀缺)...我们对彼此形成障碍。任何人也不可以得到她(目标)。此后我们再去找她的朋友,肯定被她们断然拒绝, 因为没人喜欢被视为第二选择。好了,假设我们越过最美的女孩分别选择她的朋友们呢?我们并不会相互妨碍,也不会侮辱到别人。这是唯一共赢的方法”。




与人类的情感,亦是最具挑战性和困难的任务之一。有太多感人的发挥大量元器件,而为个人的利益是不完全对齐 结果是无法控制。同样,我们可以其中鉴定消极反应的触发的刺激。



一旦合作者觉得舒适,相信合作会导致一个双赢的成果,最终的端到端过程, 创建它的生态系统的制衡的存在 - 我们就可以坐下来享受这个旅程,并幸福伴我们左右。

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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Rainbow And Colour of It All! Be Happy

Chasing rainbow and hoping to find a pot of gold at the end of it romantic, so enticing...When we were more youthful and hopeful, we must have been memerised by such thoughts.

What is it that we are chasing? Riches or happiness. Will we be happy when we attain material wealth? Maybe .... perhaps not. So if we pursue happiness, if ever that is achievable, do we need material wealth? Taking a step back, we need to ask ourselves what is happiness? What does it mean to be happy?

We need to remember that life is a journey, and happiness our companion. What better option can we make? We can liken happiness to a transaction where we experience for a fleeting moment of ~ truth. In a transaction, we come into contact with a stimulus and how we response defines whether the experience is quality ( happiness ) or otherwise.

How is it that we feel more often than not that life remains unfulfilled? Could be that we lack quality experiences. Maybe it is the lack of empathy that prevents us from such experiences.

First movers fear it is against their interest to initiate a discussion and the end result is that we miss an opportunity to co-operate. This can be categorised as a co-ordination issue. When there is a break-down in co-ordination, there will be no meaningful progress, and any underlying issue will be allowed to fester and there would be risk of a disorderly outcome. The likely scenario is a stimulus that is likely to attract a zero-sum gain, a positive response at the expense of someone's negative response. Is it possible to have a win-win outcome, where happiness can be shared? Can people really sit down and negotiate according to a set of rules , unwritten but underpinned by a set of common beliefs. If no, why not?
Again it is back to the coordination issue .... what is the driver when a certain course of action is selected? More often than not, we use price as the basis to find the equilibrium between supply and demand. We may have taken the short-term view that the best result will come .... from everyone in the group doing what is best for himself . However, John Nash has added a caveat "and the group". According to him, " if we go for the best ( by definition scarce )... we block each other. Not a single one of us is gonna get it. So then we go for her friends, but they will all give us the cold shoulder because nobody likes to be second choice. Well, what if none goes for the best? We don't get in each other's way, and we don't insult the others. That's the only way we win. "
The following questions can help us understand better what is preventing us from feeling happy?

a)when you are NOT achieving what you set out to do, would you feel upset?

b)can you work around the setback and find an acceptable alternative?

c) why is it so important to achieve your goal?

Goal setting is process-driven and you need to understand what are the steps you require to take to reach from here to there. Too often, we make quick and unsubstantiated assumptions, and as a result we are not able to get to our goal. There is no short cut and when you analyse your mis-steps you will realise what are the stimuli that trigger the negative response.

Dealing with human emotion is one of the most challenging and difficult tasks. There are myriad of moving components at play and we cannot control the outcome as interests are not completely aligned. Again we can identify the stimuli that trigger the negative response.

So fundamentally, we need to identify like-minded people with shared values to begin with. So how can we convince people that cooperation is better than competition?

When it comes to co-operation, we need to think big but act in baby steps. This helps to breakdown complex issues into simpler elements. We need to underpin the efficacy of our assumptions and execute the steps in logical sequence. Every successful step reinforces trust and with trust it is possible to overcome the coordination issue. Once collaborators are comfortable and confident that cooperation can result in a win-win outcome, the end-to-end processes can then take on a life of its own with its own ecosystem of checks and balances - and we can sit back and enjoy the ride and have happiness as our companion.

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Friday, April 30, 2010

Portfolio Tracking II

This post is a follow up of the earlier post dated Feb 11 2008 entitled Portfolio Tracking ... We have updated our tracking engine and have set the following conditions as well as make some observations:

1) tracked the performance of stocks /ETFs for comparable periods from April 2004 through March 2010,
2) selected those that have generated average return in excess of 15% p.a. or with Sharpe ratio above 0.4 ( risk free set at 3% ), and
3) ranked them according to average return.

1) based on an equal weighting of amount invested per period ( annual ), it is possible to surmise that an investor can achieve a reasonable return on a "buy-and-hold" basis,
2) such counters exhibit high betas ( ranging from 1.3 to 2.0 ) with the exception of XOM ( 0.5 ) and HPQ ( 1.0 ),
3) such counters also are quite correlated to S&P 500,
3) they are mostly "growth" stocks / asset classes i.e. emerging markets, linked to emerging market growth stories ( US Exporters, commodities etc ),
4) include technology stocks with great innovation ( AAPL ), and
5) these counter also suffered significant dips during 2008/2009 but rebounded strongly subsequently.

If these counters maintain their sound fundamentals there is no reason that they cannot outperform the market.

The trick is to stay focus and follow the simple rule of ensuring that the portfolio is re-balanced periodically by taking profits off the table and topping losses where necessary.

Disclaimer: The site provider and or the contributor of this post do not warrant the accuracy / completeness of the information contained herein, disclaim all liability and shall not be responsible for any losses arising fron the use of the content herein.

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Thursday, April 08, 2010

Inno-cation 以及 质量 第五部分 - 焦虑,挑衅 以及 激情

焦虑,挑衅,激情是情感的元素 ... 没有它们,我们的生活会怎么样?希望和要求是改变的关键。

情感是可以发现自己未满足需求的一种刺激源 ... 以及改变是实现在当你的未满足的需求得到满足的时候。


创新已定义是的和实现未满足需求, 它具有 一部份的挑衅来 触发或引诱了一个响应。因此,创造了“inno-cation“这个词语 。

艺术家可以激起过滤的情感的裸体或近裸体肖像绘画来 理解人性, 从而寻求灵感 。到任何画廊,你都很可能抽样这样的作品。这些作品肯定会启动你的想象力.



终于,社会在传授 道德价值观中扮演重要的角色, 因此监察行为并制定规范. 只有社会允许公民的集体思想解放, 它才能进步。目前新兴经济体如中国,印度,巴西等处于变化的交叉道路。为了实现经济发展的下一个阶段,他们寻求重塑 。

问题是社会能否从历史中学习吸取经验, 避免重复过去的错误,为人民的利益进展?



它实质上可以归结为分享奖励 。在这里 我们采取博弈论的支持者的做法. 首先,每个人必须为团体的共同利益做努力,因此该团体得到最优的结果。其次,必须有公平的方式分配利润。目标是鼓励贡献者,但同时不给懒鬼者机会使团体士气低落。

看有多少团体完善有利于合作者的博弈论的艺术, 这将是有趣的事。

自私的行为 是瓦解团体的根本原因!

总之,要取得 成功的创新,您需要:
a)拥有正确的核心理念, 即价值像勇气,信心和信念,
c)有客观衡量价值驱动因素的教练工具,帮助管理资源而达到更有效率的结果, 和


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Monday, March 15, 2010

Inno-cation and Quality Part V - Emotion, Rational and Moral

Angst, provocation, passion are elements of emotion ... without these, what will life be? Want and desire are essential to change. Emotion serves as the stimulus in uncovering your unmet needs ... and change comes about when your unmet needs are been fulfilled.

Unique idea that appeals to your emotion is a powerful connector. Art, as a media, helps to manifest that emotion. Yet emotion, left unchecked, can have bad consequences. It may degenerate and lead to an obsession or worse to an addiction.

Innovation which has been defined as something new and fulfilling the unmet needs, possesses an element of provocation to trigger and or entice a response. Hence coining the term "innocation".

Artists seek inspiration by understanding humanity through painting of nude or near-nude portraits which evoke unfiltered emotion. Go to any art gallery and you are likely to sample such works. Fire up your imagination, these works sure do!
After triggering the response, your brain very quickly internalise these signals, bringing you to reality by matching up to your set of value system.

This process of rationalisation allows you to judge whether the experience is of quality in accordance to your beliefs. As your values evolve, you may be more concerned with the dynamic aspect of quality that these experiences evoke.

Finally, society plays an important role in imparting moral values and hence regulating behaviour and setting norms. Society can only progress if it is willing to allow emancipation of the collective thoughts of its citizens. Presently emerging economies e.g. China, India, Brazil etc are at the cross-road of change. They seek to reinvent in order to attain the next level of economic development.

The question is whether society can learn lessons from history, avoid repeating past mistakes and make progress for the good of its people?

Similarly, organisations face similar challenges. They need to balance control and empowerment. Having shared values and common ideology help to solve a myriad of challenges faced by these entities.

Critical Success Factors

It essentially boils down to sharing reward. Here, we take a leaf from the proponents of Game Theory. First, one must work for the common good of the group so that the outcome is optimal to that group. Next, there must be an equitable way to distribute the profit. The goal is to encourage the heavers, while at the same time do not give slackers any chance to demoralise the group.

It will be interesting to see how many groups are perfecting the art of Game Theory that benefits the collaborators.

Selfish behaviour is the root cause for the break-down of the group!

In summary, to be successful in innovation,
you need:
a) the right core ideology i.e. values like courage, confidence and conviction,
b) the right people onboard,
c) coaching tool that would objectively measures value drivers, helping manage the resources more productively,and
d) provide proper rewards and incentives.

Strong leadership anchored with the right value system and driven by a simple easy-to-follow common ideology is the way forward ...

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Sunday, February 28, 2010

创新通过艺术镜头 第四部分 - 勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小而不为。

社会可以选择停滞不前也可以通过创新寻求变化,成就更好的未来。选择是明显的。但问题是,我们应该去哪里寻找灵感寻求变化呢?艺术... 因为它可以进入生活的方方面面,把人们从空洞的理想主义拉回到现实。它给人们提供了信心。它不会抹杀我们的梦想。它不是教我们做什么,它只是唤醒我们的潜意识。”


因此,艺术家和知识分子在创新与创造的过程中扮演了一个重要的角色。他们的作品在通过各种渠道四处传 播之前首次定义了个人表达的意义






纪律伴随在我们探索终极目标的路上,并形成了一个如何取得那个目标的框架。 以学习中文为例,有多少人渴望掌握汉语(普通话)? 你需要设置什么样的里程碑去实现这一目标? 通常其是增加词汇量,如2,000字,6,000字或4万字!你预备要花多少资金来实现这一目标(当然,在多长的时间里?),取得你所预期的回报(投入资本回报)?

有许多方法可以达到这一目标。如果它过于僵化或不切实际,你会发现过裎的艰难,或是不可能去完成它。但是,如果你能够把握全局并创建一个可行的框架, 过程将会非常的顺利。

因此你可以自己设置目标或让老师为你设定目标。如果你的老师体谅你的情况,你应该感到放松并主导学习方法。经常,人们没有理解整体情况而下决定。 因为我们习惯采用这样方式来决定并且可以猜测它的结果. 你可能幸运得到您要的结果或达不到你的预期并让别人发现你的弱点给你造成伤害.

回到工作场所。在某些情况下,机构宁愿选拔 服从,听话的工人。它将利用执法人员确保把工作干完。作为一个贡献者,并有权选择,你可以确保您和合作者的一套信念对齐,从而避免被别人来利用你的情况。



把它实践到实际中,更多是艺术而非科学的。关系是如此脆弱,你可以把它比作一面镜子,正好反映它接收的能量。它获得多并也给予得多. 为了享受所奋力争取的东西,人们必须采取主动来培育和滋养人生价值,即同情,信任,公平性,欣赏性,可靠性的主动权。


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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Innovation Through The Lens of Art Part IV - 勿以恶小而为之, 勿以善小而不为

Society can either opt to stand still or seek to change for the better through innovation. The choice is clear. The question is where do we seek inspiration to change for the better? Art... for it " removes irrelevant concepts from people's minds, encourages the living. It provides confidence to people. It does not deal out dreams. It does not teach. It awakens. " Art in its more controversial forms need not titillate our senses to extremity, but to awaken us to the beauty of living reality instead, and not merely indulge in empty idealism. [ paraphrase Mao Yuhui ]. Therefore, artists and intellectuals play a key role in fermenting innovation and creativity. Their works play a pivotal role in defining individual expression first and foremost before propagating to all and sundry.

Examples abound of the pioneering spirit that is within us. Controversial mural in airport depicting naked tribal women bathing in celebration of a water festivity is but one such example. To revive ( nourish ) an instinct that resides in the deep recess of our brains, we need to up the "degree of empowerment" by many notches.

So is innovation more art than science? The short answer being, art is the foundation and science its fittings.

We need to accentuate the human-ness in us in order to satisfy our ever evolving needs. We must uncover the building blocks that permit us to realise the potential in us, generate the momentum that will nurture our fertile imagination and turn it into functional forms.

We ought to have the discipline to apply our mind to the task on hand for after all, famous artists do not become top guns merely putting a few splashes here and there. It is a practised hand that makes it looks so easy and graceful - such artful manifestation awakens us, the audience and finally as participants, to the possibilities rather than dealing out our dreams.

Through empowerment, we seek out partners to collaborate with, and assemble the building blocks to competently realise our potential in coming up with outstanding pieces of work, in the true commercial sense exploit it and turn it into money spinners.

The discipline comes in figuring out the end goal. And to develop a framework in how to reach that end goal. Take learning Chinese language as an example. How many of you desire to master the Chinese language ( putonghua ). What are the milestones you set for yourself to reach that goal. Typically it is to increase the vocabulary i.e. 2,000 words, 6,000 words or 40,000 words! How much investment are you prepared to put in to realise that goal ( and of course under what time frame? ) and what do you expect to get in return ( e.g. return on invested capital ). There are many paths to reach that goal. If it is too rigid and unrealistic, you will find the going tough or next to impossible. However, if you do think it through and create a framework to undertake the journey, the execution will be extremely smooth.

So you can either set the goals yourself or let the teacher sets the goals for you.
You need to feel comfortable that your teacher empathises with your situation as well for you to take ownership of the approach adopted.

Often times, people end up making decisions without understanding the whole picture.
This is because we are used to making decisions without the benefit of complete information and guess what is the result? You either are lucky to get the result you want; or fall short of your expectation and allow someone to exploit that vulnerability to your detriment.

Back to the workplace. There are situations where organisations prefer to only want order takers. They will use enforcers to get the job done. As a contributor and empowered with choices, you can ensure that your set of beliefs is in alignment with those that you are collaborating with thereby avoiding a scenario where you may be exploited on. To benefit from the environment that promotes harmony, creativity and innovation, you must also be an active participant. Proper value system is a vital element and in large organisations it is rather difficult to establish common values and beliefs. When collaborators are at cross-purposes, negatives cancel out positives resulting is dismal return on investment. Be mindful of the adage: 勿以恶小而为之, 勿以善小而不为. Putting it to practice, is more art than science. Relationship is so fragile that you can liken it to a mirror reflecting exactly the energy it receives. It gives as much as it takes. To enjoy what we strive most for, one must take the initiative in nurturing and nourishing LIFE values i.e. EMPATHY, TRUST, FAIRNESS, APPRECIATION, RELIABILITY.

Now, we go figure ....

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Saturday, January 30, 2010

创新过程, 化危为机 第三部分-未满足的需要和市场



中国经济必须保持8%的GDP年增长率,且一直依赖出口模式。但美国的过度消费所导致地严重财富创伤使得中国原有的经济模式难以为继。中国与其他相似的经济体一样,将不得不通过拉动国内消费来弥补差距。中国目前国内消费占全国 GDP 总数的35%,而美国同期的这一比重是75%。


本着化危为机,中国启动了一揽子经济刺激政策,总投资超过 5,000 亿美元,旨在大力提升国内消费。政策包括有家电下乡、经济适用房补贴、车辆购置税下调等。这些政策不仅保证了工厂的正常运营、工人的就业,也同样提高了人们的生活质量。中国有三大产业,依次分为农业、制造业和服务业,而发展的焦点将集中在提升其制造业的技术水平上。对人们生活质量的提升则从原有的仅着重衣食延伸到了住行。在某种意义上,新生活方式的曙光已经到来。




Ms Renee Yi for editing and support to this post.

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Friday, January 29, 2010

Innovation Process Part III - Unmet Needs and Marketplace

Two key ingredients must be satisfied in the innovation process. The solution must be new and solve a problem for the end users. In taking a macro view, we hope to seek out market place where unmet needs await the entrepreneurs.
The global financial crisis provides China the opportunity to be the main locomotive in driving the global economy back to stability. Its massive economic stimulus package had the intended effect. However it is also clear that the root causes remain embedded within the present global economic system and such instability must be resolved for growth to be back on track.

China requires a sustainable growth rate of 8% annually and has relied on the export model. This cannot carry on indefinitely as the US over-spent consumers have severely depleted their wealth. China as well as other economies with similar model, will need to look from within via increase in domestic consumption, presently at 35% of its GDP ( versus US 75% ) to make up for this gap.

The export model leveraging on labour- and resource-intensive processes has its limit and has created issues with regards to structural balances, coordination and sustainability. At the advent of the crisis, 20 millions migrant workers were laid off or facing layoffs. Their return to their villages could potentially destabilize the political and economic order with dire consequences.

Turning the crisis into opportunity, China initiated an economic stimulus package in excess of US$ 500 billion, jump starting the process of increasing domestic consumption. Subsidies were extended to villagers to buy white appliances, affordable housing and tax reliefs for car purchases. These help to keep the factories running and workers gainfully employed, as well as hoisting the standard of living. China’s 3 key sectors i.e.. agricultural, manufacturing and services in that order, will be the focal point in upgrading its manufacturing base technologically. By raising the standard of living, the emphasis has shifted from merely having adequate clothing and food, to providing affordable housing and transportation. In a sense, the new dawn of lifestyle living has arrived.

China in developing its western provinces which in percentage term can grow in the mid-teens thus compensating for the lower growth rate expected for the more matured coastal areas and special economic zones. The successful implementation of these initiatives will raise standard of living and purchasing power, empowering China to facilitate the trade flow further. Collaboration with foreign entities, and in particular MNCs will come naturally and it can be a win-win outcome. As China seeks to raise productivity level, the service sector is a good area to target as funds will be set aside to upgrade the labour force through vocational training and such other means. During the transition, it is not unusual to meet resistance as labour-intensive model has worked so well thus far. Courage and leadership are required for wisdom to prevail over vested interest to bring about change, and for China to fulfill its vision for its people.

Do you smell opportunity for innovation? Go figure ...

Clues: zero carbon emission, food shortages, standard of living

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