Sunday, February 28, 2010

创新通过艺术镜头 第四部分 - 勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小而不为。

社会可以选择停滞不前也可以通过创新寻求变化,成就更好的未来。选择是明显的。但问题是,我们应该去哪里寻找灵感寻求变化呢?艺术... 因为它可以进入生活的方方面面,把人们从空洞的理想主义拉回到现实。它给人们提供了信心。它不会抹杀我们的梦想。它不是教我们做什么,它只是唤醒我们的潜意识。”


因此,艺术家和知识分子在创新与创造的过程中扮演了一个重要的角色。他们的作品在通过各种渠道四处传 播之前首次定义了个人表达的意义






纪律伴随在我们探索终极目标的路上,并形成了一个如何取得那个目标的框架。 以学习中文为例,有多少人渴望掌握汉语(普通话)? 你需要设置什么样的里程碑去实现这一目标? 通常其是增加词汇量,如2,000字,6,000字或4万字!你预备要花多少资金来实现这一目标(当然,在多长的时间里?),取得你所预期的回报(投入资本回报)?

有许多方法可以达到这一目标。如果它过于僵化或不切实际,你会发现过裎的艰难,或是不可能去完成它。但是,如果你能够把握全局并创建一个可行的框架, 过程将会非常的顺利。

因此你可以自己设置目标或让老师为你设定目标。如果你的老师体谅你的情况,你应该感到放松并主导学习方法。经常,人们没有理解整体情况而下决定。 因为我们习惯采用这样方式来决定并且可以猜测它的结果. 你可能幸运得到您要的结果或达不到你的预期并让别人发现你的弱点给你造成伤害.

回到工作场所。在某些情况下,机构宁愿选拔 服从,听话的工人。它将利用执法人员确保把工作干完。作为一个贡献者,并有权选择,你可以确保您和合作者的一套信念对齐,从而避免被别人来利用你的情况。



把它实践到实际中,更多是艺术而非科学的。关系是如此脆弱,你可以把它比作一面镜子,正好反映它接收的能量。它获得多并也给予得多. 为了享受所奋力争取的东西,人们必须采取主动来培育和滋养人生价值,即同情,信任,公平性,欣赏性,可靠性的主动权。


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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Innovation Through The Lens of Art Part IV - 勿以恶小而为之, 勿以善小而不为

Society can either opt to stand still or seek to change for the better through innovation. The choice is clear. The question is where do we seek inspiration to change for the better? Art... for it " removes irrelevant concepts from people's minds, encourages the living. It provides confidence to people. It does not deal out dreams. It does not teach. It awakens. " Art in its more controversial forms need not titillate our senses to extremity, but to awaken us to the beauty of living reality instead, and not merely indulge in empty idealism. [ paraphrase Mao Yuhui ]. Therefore, artists and intellectuals play a key role in fermenting innovation and creativity. Their works play a pivotal role in defining individual expression first and foremost before propagating to all and sundry.

Examples abound of the pioneering spirit that is within us. Controversial mural in airport depicting naked tribal women bathing in celebration of a water festivity is but one such example. To revive ( nourish ) an instinct that resides in the deep recess of our brains, we need to up the "degree of empowerment" by many notches.

So is innovation more art than science? The short answer being, art is the foundation and science its fittings.

We need to accentuate the human-ness in us in order to satisfy our ever evolving needs. We must uncover the building blocks that permit us to realise the potential in us, generate the momentum that will nurture our fertile imagination and turn it into functional forms.

We ought to have the discipline to apply our mind to the task on hand for after all, famous artists do not become top guns merely putting a few splashes here and there. It is a practised hand that makes it looks so easy and graceful - such artful manifestation awakens us, the audience and finally as participants, to the possibilities rather than dealing out our dreams.

Through empowerment, we seek out partners to collaborate with, and assemble the building blocks to competently realise our potential in coming up with outstanding pieces of work, in the true commercial sense exploit it and turn it into money spinners.

The discipline comes in figuring out the end goal. And to develop a framework in how to reach that end goal. Take learning Chinese language as an example. How many of you desire to master the Chinese language ( putonghua ). What are the milestones you set for yourself to reach that goal. Typically it is to increase the vocabulary i.e. 2,000 words, 6,000 words or 40,000 words! How much investment are you prepared to put in to realise that goal ( and of course under what time frame? ) and what do you expect to get in return ( e.g. return on invested capital ). There are many paths to reach that goal. If it is too rigid and unrealistic, you will find the going tough or next to impossible. However, if you do think it through and create a framework to undertake the journey, the execution will be extremely smooth.

So you can either set the goals yourself or let the teacher sets the goals for you.
You need to feel comfortable that your teacher empathises with your situation as well for you to take ownership of the approach adopted.

Often times, people end up making decisions without understanding the whole picture.
This is because we are used to making decisions without the benefit of complete information and guess what is the result? You either are lucky to get the result you want; or fall short of your expectation and allow someone to exploit that vulnerability to your detriment.

Back to the workplace. There are situations where organisations prefer to only want order takers. They will use enforcers to get the job done. As a contributor and empowered with choices, you can ensure that your set of beliefs is in alignment with those that you are collaborating with thereby avoiding a scenario where you may be exploited on. To benefit from the environment that promotes harmony, creativity and innovation, you must also be an active participant. Proper value system is a vital element and in large organisations it is rather difficult to establish common values and beliefs. When collaborators are at cross-purposes, negatives cancel out positives resulting is dismal return on investment. Be mindful of the adage: 勿以恶小而为之, 勿以善小而不为. Putting it to practice, is more art than science. Relationship is so fragile that you can liken it to a mirror reflecting exactly the energy it receives. It gives as much as it takes. To enjoy what we strive most for, one must take the initiative in nurturing and nourishing LIFE values i.e. EMPATHY, TRUST, FAIRNESS, APPRECIATION, RELIABILITY.

Now, we go figure ....

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