Saturday, September 01, 2007

Nuturing Growth

Leveraging on the catalyst idea, it is necessary to create a network based on trust......
And to take it to the next level, we need also to provide a transparent way for people to feel comfortable with the system.

We require discipline and one way is by keeping score. In order to keep the scoring straight, we require rules. From the rules, we can have consistency.

And performers are motivated to deliver value as their positive results are immediately recognised. This centralised system keeps participants on the straight and narrow, and engenders trusts which will lead to "buy-in". It is critical that the business model focuses on delivering quality and reliability. When a signal is emitted, it is crucial for the circle of collaborators to come together and work out the solutions that will perpetuate the business model.

It is essential to build a reputation, not through glitzy ad campaigns but hard won appreciation from your customers who will then reinforce your brand equity by word-of-mouth advertising.

Decentralised structure, where individuals are empowered to make decisions means staff can take ownership of the processes. We can rely on peers within their circle to maintain quality. More importantly, by granting freedom of action, individuals can more likely to be creative and innovative. The fine balance between centre and off-centre will allow us to find the sweet spot. When discipline do coexist with chaos, innovation and creativity can and will thrive. Can a sales and marketing team devoid of innovation and creativity be able to retain its customers?

Back to quality - when we recognise the danger of what the lack of quality can do to harm our brand equity, we are better equipped to avoid the pitfalls and be motivated to forge ahead to achieve the next big thing which is so ever vital in sustaining our competitive advantage.

Keywords: quality, value systems,
trust, domain knowledge, technology, networking, maven traps, speed of trust