Mega Trends, Paradigm Shift
How To Master A Foreign Language In Double Quick Time ...
From a global financial crisis of such proportion that the unprecedented quantitative easing merely buys us time before the next big One, to the inevitable but radical shift to a domestic consumption model by China, an economic powerhouse in its own rights ...
...these events spell one thing clearly:
And yet, present times also afford an excellent occasion for corporate to spot opportunities to create value and get ahead of the competition. And it's the business acumen and technical skills of key employees that will spearhead such efforts to satisfy the demands of stakeholders, create shareholder value, keep customers satisfied and employees motivated.
What better time than now to invest toward harnessing and sharpening those skills.
Why eZendir ?
eZendir is likened to peering through a kaleidoscope where combinations of variants never cease to amaze viewers ... you can seek out different patterns e.g. eZ, it stands for "easy", or merely Z for Zhong, as in Zhongguo ( China ). In fact eZendir implies that we are at the centre of the virtual universe e + Zenith + Nadir. Then there is Zen - a very Asian value system. For it reminds us that life is a journey, and happiness as our companion allowing us to encounter Quality experiences. What better option can we make? Can we co-operate to attain a win-win outcome, where happiness can be shared? With such a belief map, the team at eZendir has collaborated to arrive at a solution for the busy business executives.
For an enterprising professional to be successful, he must find the optimal balance amongst the three critical factors i.e. domain knowledge, information technology and relationship. eZendir is positioned to meet the aspirations of these individuals. We help professionals to create value by identifying the pathway to seeking opportunities. In addition, we also methodically build the pathway to make this possible. The value proposition of eZendir is to help busy professionals learn business Mandarin in the most time effective way. So, when do you embark on this program? Now! China is too costly to be ignored..
How? 4 hours weekly via one-to-one online interaction with any of our highly qualified coaches.
Our clear and concise methodlogy allows us to map the proficiency level of students prior to signing of the program. To be effective, students must gain the necessary skills to listen, speak, read and write. For the latter, it would mean students must also understand the grammatical structure of the Chinese language. Through a total of 6 modules, each comprising 36 hours online interaction, students can expect to increase the vocabulary base to between 3,000 and 5,000 words. In addition, we have also developed toolkit to make the learning experience one that is of quality. Our aim is , as far as possible, to provide instant gratification when the curiosity to learn the language is aroused. Through the toolkit which includes electronic word accumulator that tracks learning progress, online text-to-speech to provide an anywhere-anytime learning environment and much more; the progam seeks to provide students with the key to the code - Chinese language!
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