ACE Coaching Tool
Moving forward...... to be successful.... you need to ace your business model with traction and quality management...These are two important elements that stakeholders would like to see in abundance.
First who then what. Getting the right people onboard is absolutely critical. Once you have such individuals onboard, you can be sure that they will not jump off the bus when the ride gets bumpy. Neither do they require to be motivated. All they require is an environment that engenders trust. The best way to demotivate good people is to hide the truth from them.
We come to the next point. Underpinning traction. While we can go through the exercise of crystallising a strategy roadmap, highlighting market opportunities and articulating its value proposition, investors really want to be satisfied with regards to the viability of the business model. We therefore need to translate strategy into execution and communicate to the stakeholders in a clear and concise manner.
One way we find particularly useful is to itemise the revenue numbers that are most likely to be realised and stating the assumptions associated to these numbers. We can achieve this by drawing a financial projection in a spreadsheet and incorporating codes that will turn this into a coaching tool-cum-dashboard. This serves to facilitate in tracking the progress of the revenue numbers. Any delay in realising these numbers can be documented, monitored, and the gaps analysed systematically. This provides the transparency and accountablity along the timeline which stakeholders will appreciate.
Investors are absolutely right to seek assurance that individuals with the right core ideology ( purpose in being and core values ) are at the helm. Consistency in preserving the core and actions can clue stakeholders as to the soundness of the business model and whether there is scope for it to rise to greatness.
Keywords: quality, value systems, trust, domain knowledge, technology, networking, maven traps, speed of trust, lifestyle
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