Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Articulate, Communicate and Execute

How do you ace the economy?First who then what - by this we mean when the going gets toughs ( economy is heading south ), it is the tough who gets going.

You need to keep your head above water. You do this by digging deep into your set of core values and never waiver from it. You focus on your purpose in being. What are you in here for? The nobler the goal the further to the future you are able to peer. You will be able to see things crystal clear. There can be no short cuts. Next, you confront the brutal facts. By facing up to reality, you can remain optimistic above the future - and the future is reasonably bright - you can devise a pathway to get to your goal. Do not be disheartened as you encounter setbacks along the way. When we face what appears to be the darkest hour we confront what is termed the Stockdale paradox.

When you have the right mindset, pursue your core ideology with a passion - like a hedgehog. Stay focus, do what you know best and always maintain your enthusiasm.

Remember there is no such thing as a silver bullet, you need to be dogged and each step you take, you are pulling yourself closer towards your goals and away from your competition. Learn to pace yourself so that you do not get into a panic mode and burn precious resources unnecessarily. Take long strokes and generate momentum so that once you are into your strides, there is enough forward momentum for you to glide, and during vital intervals you can pause, reflect without fear of being derailed.

You have to trust your instinct that sooner than later, you will triumph over the odds.

Keywords: quality, value systems, trust, domain knowledge, technology, networking, maven traps, speed of trust, lifestyle

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