Saturday, August 23, 2008

Speed of Strategic Planning

In the last post, we found ourselves asking why are there so many business models falling by the sideway... We venture to guess that the issue lies in the lack of a coherent, well articulated core ideology.

We experimented with 3 different business models i.e.

1) a well established entity with rich "heritage" with operating base in excess of US$ 25 million annually,
2) a global player with substantial market capitalisation value, and
3) a start-up.

We attempt to infuse elements of core ideology for each of these cases.

Some interesting observations surfaced:

1) for the larger organisations with legacy issues, the core ideology got lost somewhere in the translation,
2) when the business model has been adversely impacted by external environment, there is plenty of fire-fighting,
3) the ability to connect the dots and the dashes becomes impaired - particularly hen the whole team is reacting and in retreat. Very soon it turned into a rout
4) tightness of fit - teams lose their shape when in disarray.

For the smaller outfit, the tightness of fit is pretty impressive. All interfaces are working, and it is a joy to observe the pieces coming together in one synchronised, harmonious movement.

The speed of strategic planning working at its optimal....... The true meaning of synergy becomes apparent. Will be sitting back to saviour this moment.

Keywords: quality, value systems, trust, domain knowledge, technology, networking, maven traps, speed of trust, lifestyle