Sunday, October 09, 2005

Making Your Mark In Marketing ( II )

VII. Like it or not, you are part of the conversations in your marketplace. Skilful marketing promotes constructive conversations.
The strategy that you adopt has a bearing on your customers, suppliers as well as your competitors. If your business model is compelling in meeting the wants of the customers and generates a good return, be sure to articulate and communicate your vision to the stakeholders. By associating the right deed ( fulfilment ) to a promise, you reinforce a positive mindset and gain the respect in the marketplace.

VIII. Services that are remarkable get talked about.
It can be a simple gesture like a sincere smile to make a day for your customer.

IX. Marketing is the way your crew greets your guests, handles a blotchup, placates an irate customer.
Little details clue your stakeholders into your value system. Any inconsistency can be picked up by the discerning stakeholders from a mile, get extrapolated, and rightly or wrongly a poor view is formed.

Keywords: mindshare, stakeholders